Monday, March 7, 2011

Fabulous Pizza Dough

I have a pizza dough that I use that is really simple that I use for my pizza rolls, but I'm not sure its the best recipe for just a regular pizza dough.  I'll try this one out for

1 t yeast
1 1/2 C warm water
4 C flour
1 t salt
1/3 C olive oil

1. Sprinkle yeast over the top of your warm water.
2. Combine the flour and salt in the bottom of your mixer.
3. Pour the olive oil in and mix just just until combined.
4. Pour the yeast and water mixture into the flour.
5. Mix just until combined.
6. Cover and set aside. Let it rise until double in size. OR....and the beauty can put it in the fridge and let it rise throughout the day.
7. Punch the dough down and divide it in half. Let each piece rest on a pizza stone or sprayed cookie sheet for 5 minutes. Then stretch it out as thin or thick as you like.

REVIEW:  I made this dough for a youth activity.  I made them into individual pizzas.  I cooked them for about 7 minutes and then I had the girls put the topping on it that they like and cooked it for about 5 more minutes.  The girls said it was really good!!  I thought so too.  I made this in my KitchenAid but I think I could of very well made it by hand.

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